If you want to work within the Group and your professional figure corresponds to those listed below or you want to send your application, please fill out the form below with your data or send us your CV, remembering to include the authorization for the personal data processing under the D.L. 196/2003, as well as Reg. UE 2016/679 – D.Lgs. n.101/2018:
- by e-mail to the attention of Human Resources – E.S.I.M. Srl – Via degli ebanisti,1 – 70123 Bari (Italy);
- by fax at +39 080 5368733;
- by company LinkedIn profile: https://it.linkedin.com/company/esim-srl.
The search is aimed at both sexes under to: Law of 9 December 1977, no. 903 “Equal treatment between men and women in employment matters.”; Law of 10 April 1991, no. 125 “Positive actions for the realisation of equality between men and women in employment.”; Law of 5 November 2021, no. 162 “Amendments to the code referred to in Legislative Decree of 11 April 2006, no. 198, and other provisions on equal opportunities between men and women in the workplace.” and Legislative Decree No. 198 of 11 April 2006 “Code of equal opportunities between men and women, under to Article 6 of Law No. 246 of 28 November 2005.”
The search is also aimed at people with disabilities and belonging to the protected categories under to Law no. 68 of 12 March 1999 – “Rules for the right of the disabled to work.”
Below is a list of the figures we are currently seeking: