The rolling stock accelerations measurement system has a great versatility, it is projected to measure the acceleration to which a rolling stock is subject, in every point it is required. Sensors can be indistinctly installed on coach, bogies and axle box. Measurement intervals and the related band depend on the location of the sensors. System software has an user-friendly interface and provides the availability of real time reading data and database storage. Data are integrated with immediate speed values and with the train location thanks to the interfacing with odometry system. The rolling stock accelerations measurement system is also provided of a tool for the off-line data analysis.
The rolling stock acceleration measurement system is based on several innovative characteristics:
- Piezoelectric or capacitive sensor technology;
- Sensorsable to work in hostile environments;
- Mono-axial, bi-axial, tri-axial sensors;
- Compact and easy installation process;
- High speed analog to digital converter;
- Galvanic isolation for signals derived from sensors installed on critical points;
- High sampling frequency for high speed measurement;
- Reliability and ling life sensor.
Rolling stock accelerations measurements are used in order to:
- Evaluate passenger ride;
- Evaluate accelerations transmission (from axle boxes to bogies and later from bogies to coach);
- Evaluate rail infrastructure state;
- Generate alerts in case of speed exceeded threshold, set by the user;
- Set maintenance or control interventions on rail track infrastructure.
The rolling stock accelerations measurement system installation is function of the chosen configuration. In fact, according to required acceleration relief type, sensors can be installed on axle boxes, bogies or coach. Every sensor will be placed in a watertight metal box able to guarantee a great mechanic protection.
The acquisition and elaboration unities can be installed in a cabinet inside the coach hosting the sensors, it is possible to organize an operator place to view and store acquired information.
The system is made for the integration with other measurement system and needs an odometry unit to localize the measurements. There are no particular prescription for sensor and acquisition equipment installation. Some brackets will be simply applied to bogies, to coach and on axle box to lock the boxes (contained size).