Rolling Stock Dynamic Weighing System


The Rolling Stock Dynamic Weighing System, based on optical technology, provides total immunity to electromagnetic interfaces of use and maintenance.
The system is able to detect the load that weighs on each wheel of a train in transit and to highlight possible longitudinal and transverse imbalances of each axle and boogie and fi nally to generate alarms due to the passing of thresholds weight set by the user. The software of the Dynamic Weighing system is based on an intuitive graphical interface for real time reading data and on a database containing the history of measurements and alarms issued. The software provides an interface to any existing database and the ability to remotely read the data through web servers.


The Rolling Stock Dynamic Weighing System is based on innovative features:

  • Optical sensors technology;
  • Polling laser technology question;
  • Fiber optic data transmission;
  • Ethernet interface communication;
  • User-friendly software confi guration;
  • Total electromagnetic immunity;
  • Remote information;
  • More data points from a single host managing;
  • High sampling rate measurements for high speed trains;
  • Wide measurement range;
  • Periodical self adjustment of system calibration;
  • Reliability and durability.


Dynamic monitoring of convoys is designed to:

  • Measure both traverse and longitudinal imbalance weight;
  • Ensure the improvement of the railway circulation;
  • Report in real time anomalies;
  • Determine verification measurement in case of malfunction.


The Rolling Stock Dynamic Weighing System is easy to install, because the sensors used to measure the weight of the train in transit are applied in proximity of the cross roads.
The number of sensors can vary from four to eight depending on the required accuracy. The configuration with multiple sensors increase the quality of measurements.
Installation is performed in a symmetrical correspondence of both rails.
The control unit may be located in any building near the point of dynamic weighing.
Both sensors that control units are small in size and do not require particular requirements for installation.
The characteristics of the system allows transportability and versatility.
For a remote control a communication infrastructure is necessary, for example intranet or internet.